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Best law of attraction books

Although The Law of Attraction has been around for a long time, it is still a hot topic. But, above all, I have the impression that it is often misunderstood and therefore misapplied. Result, well it doesn't work! So obviously, if that's your case, I imagine that you have doubts, eh? And then, I understand, it's frustrating. Why do some people manage to do it and you don't? Isn't this so-called universal law really just a big scam? 

You're too old to believe in Santa Claus! Come on, come on, let's relax... Whether you are still skeptical or already convinced, here are 7 books to better practice the Law of Attraction in your daily life. Thanks to them, you will finally know how to use the Law of Attraction well, but also how to formulate your requests to the Universe.

You attract what you think

Much has been said in recent years about the Law of Attraction with the highly mediatized release of the film and then the book "The Secret", which has given back a strong interest in an old, somewhat forgotten idea of being able to positively influence one's reality through the mind. Many then imagined that it was an exceptional discovery, some marvelous principles, some ancient secret, buried in the abyss of time, miraculously rediscovered by its author, Rhonda Byrne. And that's how the teaser of the film presented it: an ancient esoteric secret kept secret for centuries finally rediscovered!

Do you know the history of the Law of Attraction?

No, I don't, and that's not really the way it happened. First of all because nothing happened at all. The idea that the meditating or visualizing mind can influence its reality is as old as the world, and has never been hidden, buried, or rediscovered. Magic, alchemy, the occult sciences as a whole no doubt. But the essential principle of changing the course of things, of unravelling the knots of life is inherent in most religions, through prayer, meditation, mantras...

However, at the beginning of the last century, from 1900 onwards, there were a few enlightened, sensitive, open-minded authors who delved deeply into these principles. They wanted to take these principles out of the strict framework of religion, of dogma, to try to understand, to explain, to discover as precisely as possible why certain prayers were indeed answered, why certain miracles appeared almost everywhere in the world, why certain yogis were capable of extraordinary feats.

The primary cause of unhappiness is never the situation but your thoughts about it.

These authors were most often scientists, businessmen, men of faith. They conducted their research with a scientific spirit, the spirit of the time. These authors laid a very solid foundation, which would later be taken up by the authors of the so-called "Law of Attraction". But nothing was invented, found, taken up again.

The best classical authors on the Law of Attraction

f the subject interests you, if you want to integrate in depth, in you these bases, I propose you here a small reading list. These are the classics that are not to be missed. There is considerable interest in feeding at the source of rather than filling up with a more contemporary, even easier to approach, pre-mature interpretation, because you will be able to build your own bases, that is to say, build a system that is yours and that works for you. If you have read the current authors without much success, immerse yourself in these classical authors who will offer you raw bases to interpret or totally different interpretations. 

This is what can make the difference between a system that works for real and a system that works for others, but not for you. This is an important point. And if you buy them, take if you can the paper versions, the old-fashioned ones, because on the one hand they are books to keep in a library, to lend, to pass on, and on the other hand, the impregnation I was talking about above is in my opinion stronger with a paper book than with a digital book (a very personal and debatable opinion).

It should also be noted that often these books talk about money and success, materialistic subjects, but strong at the time these books were written (industrial and economic development of the USA at the beginning of the 20th century), also to get out of the negative connotation of money conveyed by the Catholic religion for a very long time. All these authors are mostly American, and in their own way they reflected the formidable and powerful state of mind of this country at that time, which is still today the 1st world power. Here too there is no coincidence. If you are not interested in money, say to yourself that the objects treated are not important, just replace that by what interests you most. Don't get attached to that.

Charles Haanel :

Is not the easiest to read, but he was one of the first to have formatted a clear, structured and powerful method, which he sold very expensively by subscription only to wealthy people. The story goes that his books were at Bill Gates' bedside when he was at Harvard, which would have led him to leave that prestigious university to start his own business. I don't know if it's true, but that's the story!

Wallace Wattles :

With his famous SOGR (Science of Getting Rich) translated into all languages, is still a best-seller today. For me, his little book contains the best basics in this field, everything is there, very clearly laid out, and reads effortlessly.

Napoleon Hill : 

Which I mentioned earlier, was for me a starting point, a revelation because he expressed all my questions so well. Very focused on positive thinking and how to achieve it, it is a marvel to read. Almost all the great contemporary authors on the Law of Attraction have had his bestseller, "Think and get rich" as a basis and often refer to it. A must-read. For my part, I started with "Success through constructive thinking".

Joseph Murphy :

Is the great classical author on this subject, famous in his time, especially for the richness and abundance of his teaching (he wrote more than 50 books). He is prolific in examples of spontaneous achievements and other miracles. Reading his books is very "addictive", one only has to see on Amazon what Murphy's readers buy like other books: other Murphy's books. Very Christian, he makes many references to the Bible, but his writings are suitable for all types of denominations. After Napoleon Hill, Murphy was on my bedside tables for a long time.

Emile Coué !

Who is no longer presented as he is so much a part of everyday language. His method, sometimes mocked because it seems very simplistic, is nevertheless of great value if it is well understood. And this simplicity is an advantage. A pharmacist by profession, it is by selling his patients medicines, accompanied by a particularly positive way of presenting his remedies, that he gradually built his famous "Coué method" which has met with enormous success, because he has been able to prove an incredible number of cures thanks to his principles. His little book is fascinating to read, and it is as much as possible to read his original book as another book exposing the famous "Méthode Coué"!

Neville Godard :

Claude Bristol, RJH are authors of the same period, certainly less known, but who had the merit of writing reference books that influenced the greatest. The little red book of this unknown author RJH is a marvel, more than 1 million copies sold. All these books are still bestsellers today, almost 1 century later! I could not finish this list without presenting them to you.

You can not entertain weak, harmful, negative thoughts ten hours a day and expect to bring about beautiful, strong and harmonious conditions by ten minutes of strong, positive, creative thought

The best books on the Law of Attraction 

The Secret by Rhonda Byrne 

I cannot decently talk to you about the Law of Attraction without mentioning Rhonda Byrne's book The Secret. Indeed, it is this book, as well as the documentary of the same name, that popularized the concept of the Law of Attraction, about ten years ago now. Personally, I opted for the film. Yes, yes, for once, I admit, I chose the easy way out! I already read a lot of books, eh. Well, to be totally honest, it's not my favorite approach because this documentary film is shot in the American way, but in the American way, a bit kitschy and a bit "too much" for my taste. That's just my opinion of course and the content is still interesting. You'll find all the keys you need to understand the Law of Attraction and apply it correctly in your life, but also many testimonials. To watch or read, but without any preconceived ideas!

The Law of Attraction by Jerry and Esther Hicks

Lecturer and author, Esther Hicks has co-authored 8 books with her husband, Jerry Hicks, some of which have become true bestsellers. Prior to her husband's death, they also conducted workshops on the Law of Attraction together in over 60 cities a year since 1987. We might as well tell you that the authors have a pretty good grasp of their subject. This book should therefore answer all the questions you may have about this powerful Law of the Universe. So, I prefer to warn you right away, depending on your beliefs, you may not adhere to it. 

You don’t need to have anything else in order to be happy right now. You can choose to be happy

The teachings of this book would have been transmitted to Esther Hicks by Abraham, the name given to a group of non-incarnate entities. Spirits, spiritual guides or higher beings, if you prefer... Some may find this borderline sectarian... The most important thing here is not who delivers the message but the message itself. If you're not open to this kind of thing, like with The Secret, leave aside the preconceptions and focus exclusively on the message, okay?

The key to living by Jack Canfield's Law of Attraction

The third great classic of its kind is a book by Jack Canfield, another well-known American author and speaker in the field of personal development. You can also find it in the film The Secret by Rhonda Byrne. He is one of the teachers of the Law of Attraction. For more than 40 years, he has been teaching entrepreneurs, business leaders, trainers and people from all walks of life how to create the life they want. 

He is the author and co-author of over 150 books (including 66 bestsellers) with over 100 million copies printed in 47 languages worldwide! Finally, in 2014, Success magazine also named him one of the most influential leaders in personal growth and success. In this practical book, Jack Canfield teaches you how to master and effectively use the Law of Attraction. A simple, step-by-step guide to attracting everything you want to you. A book that will help you "transform your life, expand your consciousness, and gain the power to create an amazing future filled with love, joy, and abundance.

Law of Attraction: Slavica Bogdanov's Instructions for Use

This book has been recently republished. I had "invested" in the previous edition and frankly, I had loved it. I found it extremely clear and synthetic. This time the discourse is totally neutral. You will find all the fundamental principles of the Law of Attraction explained by Slavica Bogdanov. She is a business consultant, life coach, trainer and also the author of more than 25 personal development books, including the Little Workbook for Practicing the Law of Attraction. 

You don’t need to have anything else in order to be happy right now. You can choose to be happy

As you will have understood, the Law of Attraction is one of her areas of expertise. In this book, Slavica Bogdanov gives you her own method to speed up the Law of Attraction process. It consists of several steps and exercises, to be performed in order. Don't skip steps... This book will also help you identify the blocks that could prevent you from attracting the best in your life. In short, don't be fooled by its small price, it is very complete. I recommend it to you!

The Law of Attraction for Dummies by Slavica Bogdanov

And here we find again our expert in the Law of Attraction, Slavica Bogdanov. Who doesn't know the now famous yellow and black collection "For Dummies"? With it, everything becomes easy to understand and fun... Yes, The Law of Attraction is no exception to the rule. You'll find everything you ever wanted to know about The Law of Attraction in this positive book. What is The Law of Attraction? But also what is it not... 

What are its origins? How to use it? How to integrate it into your everyday life? You will discover all the principles of this universal law as well as the keys to attract the best in your life. A book that also does not hesitate to twist the neck to the preconceived ideas on The Law of Attraction. If you haven't been too hooked on the movie or the book The Secret, I suggest you try this formula instead. You will have a clear, simple and pleasant to read summary of all the basic principles of The Law of Attraction. To discover absolutely!

50 exercises to practice Virgil Stanislas Martin's Law of Attraction

Yes, not surprisingly, this book of personal development does offer you 50 exercises to practice the Law of Attraction, divided into 8 major sections. Deprogram your limiting beliefs, rediscover your taste for dreams, transform your negative emotions into positive ones, apply the Law of Attraction to succeed professionally, to prosper, to be in better health or to find love... So many themes addressed in this new book dedicated to the Law of Attraction. Through personality tests, questionnaires, quizzes and other fun little exercises, you will also learn, without even realizing it, how to change your way of thinking and seeing things!

The laws of the mirror by Caroline Beauchamp

I have just completed this work. Even if its author does not clearly mention the Law of Attraction, I found many characteristics in common with her mirror concept. For example, the power of intention, the importance of visualization and feeling, the thoughts that materialize in our lives, and most importantly, the fact that we have the ability to create the life we dream of. I think she won't mind me including The Laws of the Mirror in this list. Why do I recommend it to you? 

Because, when I talk about the abundance check or the Law of Attraction, sometimes people come forward and say that it doesn't work with them... If that's the case, there's a reason. If that's the case, there's a reason. Often it's just false beliefs. But in this book, there are some very interesting passages about limiting beliefs. I find it very accessible. The examples are clear and the reading is punctuated by small exercises. In short, it is a nice discovery that I wanted to share with you.

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